Fair Trade Impact:
Fair Trade Certification Program
Driscoll’s is committed to the well-being of our workforce and their communities everywhere we operate. This led us to establish our global labor standards and work with our independent growers to continuously improve working conditions through audits and ranch improvement plans. We knew we could do more, which is why we partner with Fair Trade USA. Their certification not only aligns with our global labor standards, but also provides an opportunity for us to directly impact the local community and people who live and work in the region. The program presents new ways for us to support our growers’ businesses, empower workers to address the needs in their communities, and allow shoppers to positively impact the lives of the people growing our berries.
Our Fair Trade Journey
In January 2016, Driscoll’s started selling Fair Trade Certified organic strawberries and raspberries from Baja California, Mexico. The program started small, pinpointing a specific region that could benefit with limited quantity. Given the success of the initial program, we’ve expanded to include an additional 1,000 workers making 100% of the fruit coming out of Baja California, Mexico certified Fair Trade. Scaling the program means more opportunity for you to buy Fair Trade berries resulting in more funds to improve the lives of the farmworkers and their communities.
What is Fair Trade USA?
Fair Trade USA is a nonprofit organization that enables sustainable development and community empowerment by cultivating a more equitable global trade model. Their approach ensures safe working conditions, environmental protection, and community resources for farmers and workers around the world through certifying and promoting Fair Trade products.
Visit Fair Trade USA to learn more or see examples of how developing communities have used the funds from Fair Trade to improve their quality of life.
How Does the Fair Trade Certified Program Work?
BerryMex employees vote for candidates to participate in the general Fair Trade Certified committee elections later that day.
1. Certify: The Fair Trade Certified™ process includes a certification that upholds strict environmental and social standards that aligns with Driscoll’s comprehensive global labor standards.
2. Label: The Fair Trade Certified™ label is included on packaging to give you an easy way to identify these products.
3. Collect Premium: Berries are sold with an additional price premium, which is collected and directed into a community development fund.
4. Elect Committee: A Fair Trade Committee made up of local farmworkers are elected to represent their communities and determine how funds raised through the premium will be invested.
5. Vote: Through a combination of survey results and focus groups, the Fair Trade Committee surfaces the community’s biggest needs and works with their peers to vote on community development projects.
6. Coordinate Community Development Projects: A team made up of Fair Trade Committee members, Driscoll’s employees, independent growers, and Fair Trade team members leverage the funds to address needs in the community.
Impact of Driscoll's Fair Trade Certified™ Funds
Saidel Hernandez, BerryMex employee and Fair Trade Committee member, works a health fair in San Quintin, Baja, MX. Read Saidel’s Story.
Every time you buy a package of Fair Trade Certified berries, you are contributing to the Community Development Funds that address the local needs of our workers’ communities. Since its inception:
• More than 28 million crates of Fair Trade berries have been sold
• Nearly 10,000 workers are employed on Fair Trade farms
• Over 8,000 workers trained on work place safety and workers' rights
• Over 4 million dollars in funds have been generated to go back into projects that benefit the communities where our berries are grown
With the funds generated from the sales of Fair Trade Certified Berries, the Committee voted to invest in much needed health and educational projects.
Health Fairs Offering Free Medical Services
Daniel Reyes, a farmworker, and his two young sons receive their first ever dental exams. Photo credit: Nicole Franco.
Although Driscoll’s requires our independent growers to follow all local laws including payment of social security, there is limited availability of health clinics and hospitals in the community making it difficult for farmworkers to use their benefits to receive care. This finding led the committee to organize health fairs to allow access to the services they need.
Since 2017, hundreds of volunteers, including over 200 doctors and medical students, have volunteered their time and talents at 3 separate community health fairs across Baja California, Mexico. The “Feria de Saluds” enabled nearly 3,000 farmworkers and their families to receive medical care from specialists including gynecologists, dentists, and optometrists.
Distribution of School Supplies
Given the high cost of basic supplies needed to attend school, some children are forced to drop out. To address this need, the Fair Trade assembly voted to distribute more than 1,700 packages of school supplies to Baja families in 2017. Volunteers came together to distribute the backpacks filled with crayons, pencils, scissors, and stationery. This act has positive implications for school attendance and performance in the community.
For media inquiries, please contact: press@driscolls.com.