
  • 1 Package (6 ounces) Driscoll's Raspberries
  • 1 Package (6 ounces) Driscoll's Blackberries
  • 1 Package (6 ounces) Driscoll's Blueberries
  • 1 Package (16 ounces) Driscoll's Strawberries
  • 2 firm but ripe pears of any variety
  • 1-2 small carrots


  1. GATHER 24 short bamboo skewers (approximately 6 inches long), several toothpicks, a paring knife, and a cutting board.
  2. SPEAR one blueberry onto blunt ends of each skewer to anchor ends.
  3. SLIDE raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries onto skewers until all but the last inch of skewers is covered.
  4. CREATE approximately 12 skewers per bird, depending on the size of berries and size of pears. 
  5. INSERT berry skewers across the backs of pears to mimic a turkey’s tail feathers.
  6. INSERT skewers at various angles to keep the pear balanced standing upright.
  7. CARVE two cone-shaped beaks from the carrot (alternatively, use tips of two whole carrots).
  8. BREAK OFF two toothpick tips. 
  9. USE toothpicks to attach carrot beaks (alternatively, if pears are very ripe, press carrots beaks directly into pears).
  10. BREAK OFF two toothpick tips.
  11. USE toothpicks to attach two small blueberries for eyes (alternatively, avoid toothpicks for care-free consumption by using a drinking straw to carve holes for the eyes and beaks).
  12. SLICE two thin slivers from outer edges of one strawberry to resemble waddles.
  13. PLACE cut sides of strawberries against the pears just below beaks. The natural moisture of the cut edge will hold waddles in place.
  14. REMOVE stems and cores from two strawberries.
  15. SLICE strawberries in half lengthwise.
  16. CUT wedges from thick edges of strawberry slices to form clawed feet.
  17. PLACE strawberry feet against base of pears, cut-side down.