
  • 3/4 Package (6 ounces) Driscoll's Blackberries, about 16
  • 1/4 Cup cream cheese
  • 3 Driscoll's Blueberries
  • 1 English muffin, sliced in half
  • 1 Granny Smith apple, sliced


  1. Slice the English muffin in half. Cut one of the halves of the English muffin in a shape of a small triangle, making the top part of the triangle with a round edge, this will be the sheep’s head. The large piece of the English muffin will be the sheep’s body. Slice the granny smith apple, reserving 12 pieces for the grass.
  2. Place the smaller bagel piece for the head and the larger bagel piece for the body on a serving plate. Spread cream cheese on both pieces of the bagel. 
  3. Assembly of the Sheep’s head:
  4. Place 1 blackberry on each side of the sheep’s head for its ears. Place 2 blueberries for the eyes and 1 blueberry for the nose.
  5. Assembly of the Sheep’s body:
  6. Place 1 blackberry for the sheep’s tail and place 1 blackberry on the lower outer edge of each side of the English muffin for its legs. Next, place about 8 blackberries on the outer edge of the body in a circle, filling in the center with about 3 blackberries. Ending by placing the sliced greens apples for the grass at the bottom of the plate.